£ in the Pot Competition
Monthly 25 yard World Rules Bench Rest Competition
Results for January 2025
Monthly 25 yard World Rules Bench Rest Competition - Top 50 scores
January 2025
# | Name | Score |
1 | Martyn Raper Steyr | 250 x23 |
2 | Scott Kittridge HFT500 | 250 x22 |
3 | Phil Holmes Redwolf | 250 x21 |
4 | Bitan Purkayastha Anschutz 9015 | 250 x21 |
5 | Janet Watson Redwolf | 250 x20 |
6 | John Ellis HFT500 | 250 x19 |
7 | Amber Dawson LG400 | 250 x19 |
8 | Barry Radley HFT500 | 250 x18 |
9 | Glen Warren Redwolf | 250 x18 |
10 | Andrew Robinson LG400 | 250 x18 |
11 | Graham Sykes HFT500 | 250 x18 |
12 | Dean Potts HFT500 | 250 x18 |
13 | Tony Slater hft500 | 250 x18 |
14 | Steve Hollis REDWOLF | 250 x17 |
15 | K Nocker HFT500 | 250 x17 |
16 | Neil Strobridge HFT 500 | 250 x17 |
17 | Kevin Schofield HFT500 | 250 x17 |
18 | Dawn Skelland-Thornton EV2 | 250 x16 |
19 | Rob Horner Daystate Redwolf | 250 x16 |
20 | Daz Pyatt HFT500 | 250 x15 |
21 | Lee Hazlehurst Steyr | 250 x15 |
22 | Phil Thornton EV2 | 250 x15 |
23 | Dave Sheldon Steyr | 250 x14 |
24 | Gill Flatters Redwolf | 250 x14 |
25 | Stu Swinard HFT500 | 250 x14 |
26 | Jackie Marsh LG 400 | 250 x13 |
27 | Paul Richardson HFT500 | 250 x13 |
28 | Martin Wood HFT500 | 250 x13 |
29 | Don Shaw XTi50 | 250 x13 |
30 | Kev Butcher Red Wolf | 250 x12 |
31 | Neil Lockwood HFT500 | 250 x12 |
32 | Glynn Lee Redwolf | 250 x11 |
33 | Alan Taylor HFT500 | 250 x11 |
34 | Geoff Turner HW100 | 249 x19 |
35 | Keith Marsh Steyr | 249 x16 |
36 | Mark Hewitt HFT 500 | 249 x16 |
37 | Phil Bromley HFT500 | 249 x16 |
38 | Tony Jones RM8 | 249 x16 |
39 | Simon Thornton HW100 | 249 x15 |
40 | Richard Myers HFT500 | 249 x14 |
41 | Tony Fox HW100 | 249 x13 |
42 | Tony Bell HFT500 | 249 x13 |
43 | Darren Birch HFT500 | 249 x13 |
44 | Nige Hepworth Redwolf | 249 x12 |
45 | Mark Richards Red wolf | 249 x12 |
46 | Darren Cobb HFT500 | 249 x11 |
47 | John Howard XTI 50 | 249 x11 |
48 | Barry Horton HFT 500 | 249 x10 |
49 | Greg Butler HFT500 | 248 x16 |
50 | Dave Hughes XTi50 | 248 x14 |
January 2025 - Springer
# | Name | Score |
1 | Paul Garratty TX200 | 248 x11 |
2 | Kyle Sturch TX200 | 246 x10 |
3 | Derek Robinson TX200 | 244 x 7 |
4 | Lewis Sturch TX200 | 236 x 6 |
5 | Dave Sturch HW77 (Magic Tune) | 236 x 3 |
6 | Sonny Garratty TX200 | 232 x 6 |
7 | Mark Naylor TX200 | 225 x 6 |
25 yard Bench Rest Competition Specific Rules
- Any front and rear rests may be used but they must be separate.
- An 'X' is awarded for completely obliterating the 10 ring, including the line.
- An official Doncaster Airgun Range 25 yard A3 target must be used.
- Targets must be placed at 25 yards, there is no restriction on target height or orientation.
General Competition Rules
- The entry fee is £1 for each target shot.
- All cards must be signed on the back by a range official before being shot.
- There are two categories of entry - PCP and Springer
- 'Springers' include all spring piston/gas ram powered recoiling rifles. (some recoilless designs are excluded)
- Each shooter may enter any number of times, but only the highest score in each category will be recorded.
- There are no restrictions on rifle, calibre or shooting position.
- Targets are scored using 'inward gauging', the lines around each scoring ring are not part of the higher scoring ring.
- When a plug or gauge is used it will be an approved .22 sized scoring gauge (not .22A)
- If there are multiple shots in a target box, the lower scoring shot will be counted.
- Stray shots from other lanes may be excluding from scoring at the discretion of the range official.
- Tied scores will be decided on X-count, then by first 'miss' based on ascending target number.
- Only the official Doncaster Airgun Range A3 targets may be used.
- In the case of any scoring or rules disputes, the Range Officer on duty will make the final decision.
Prizes / Awards
- If the pot is sufficient the maximum winning amount is £25 and the randomly chosen 2 will receive £10.
- If not, the pot will be divided into 3. A third each to PCP & Springer winners and the 2 random cards.
- Any money over the maximum amount will be halved and donated to a small local charity of the winners’ choice.
- The category winners will not be eligible to win a random draw prize.
- A random draw winner can only win a maximum of one random draw prize.
- The competition period will run for a month starting on the 1st and ending on the last day of the month.